Are you excited about embarking on an unforgettable exchange journey? Or perhaps you’re still on the fence, contemplating the possibilities that lie ahead? No matter where you are in your exchange adventure, the Get Ready #1 Meeting is here to guide you on your path to discovery.

Join us at Get Ready #1 to explore a variety of essential topics that will shape your exchange experience:

  • The Placement Process: Dive into the details of how we match you with the perfect host family, ensuring your exchange is a comfortable and enriching adventure.
  • Host Families: Learn about the incredible relationships that form between exchange students and their host families. Discover the unique bonds that will make your year abroad even more exceptional.
  • Cultural Differences: Prepare for the exciting journey of embracing new cultures. Gain insights into navigating cultural nuances and enriching your global perspective.
  • High School Abroad: Get a sneak peek into what your life as a high school student in a foreign country will be like. Learn about the education system, extracurricular activities, and more.

Why Join Get Ready #1?

  • Comprehensive Information: Gain practical insights and information to prepare you for your exchange year.
  • Q&A Session: Ask any burning questions you have and receive expert guidance from staff members who are here to support you.
  • Meet Former Exchange Students: Hear firsthand experiences from those who have embarked on this life-changing journey. Learn from their stories and adventures.
  • Ambassadors: Each meeting features a dedicated ambassador who will share their personal exchange year stories and be available to answer your questions.

Whether you’re ready to take the plunge into the world of exchange or still deciding, Get Ready #1 is the perfect starting point. Come and discover the incredible opportunities and experiences that await you.

Don’t miss out on this chance to prepare, connect, and get excited about your upcoming exchange year. We look forward to welcoming you to Get Ready #1!

Reserve your spot today and get ready to explore the world!