Step into an adventure of a lifetime by exploring the New Zealand programs with us

Embarking on an exchange journey to New Zealand promises lifelong memories. Picture yourself living with a welcoming host family, immersing yourself in their culture, and embracing the Kiwi way of life.
From the classic New Zealand high school experience to engaging extracurricular activities, there’s so much to look forward to.

During our webinar, our expert in New Zealand high school experiences, May-Britt Christjansen, will guide you through the intricacies of life in a Kiwi high school. Got questions? Feel free to ask away!

Join us on Thursday, May 30th, at 17.00 CET to kickstart your exchange journey in New Zealand!

This webinar is free and will be conducted in English.

Återstående tid

30 May, 2024 11:00

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Att åka på utbyte ger dig en upplevelse för livet som kan forma din framtid. Kolla in den här korta guiden om hur du planerar ditt år i USA. Boka sedan en kostnadsfri konsultation med oss för att göra verklighet av din plan.